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Price in India : The new Nokia C2-02 Price in India is Rs. 3,847 . It is now available in India .
Nokia C2-02
The new Nokia C2-02 Touch and Type is a single SIM slider mobile with Touch and Type form factor . It has a large touch screen display with slider alpha-numeric keypad . It is the single SIM version of the Nokia C2-03 dual SIM mobile phone .
Nokia C2-02 Touch and Type Mobile key features :
- Touch screen display
- Slider keypad
- Social networking ready
- Pre-loaded maps , No data subscription required
Nokia C2-02 Touch and Type mobile phone specs :
- Single SIM GSM
- 2.6-inch touchscreen display
- Slider alpha-numeric keypad
- Dual band GSM
- Symbian OS , Series 40
- Java MIDP 2.1
- Flash Lite
- Nokia Ovi
- Pre-loaded Nokia Maps , Works in Offline mode
- Bluetooth , USB connectivity
- Camera : 2 mega-pixel , Full screen viewfinder with touch controls
- Dimensions : 103×51.4×17 mm
- Weight : 118 gm
- Music Player : AMR, MIDI, MP3, AAC, WAV
- Video Player : H.263, H.264/AVC, MPEG-4 (stored as .mp4 or .3gp files), WMV codecs/formats
- Available in Colors : Chrome Black , Golden White
- Pre-loaded games : Golf Tour ,Solitaire,Memorize, Nature Park and Picture Puzzle,Music Guess
- Nokia Browser with web apps catalogue
- GPRS/EDGE – Internet connectivity
- Battery : BL-5C 1020 mAh Li-Ion battery
- Standby time : up to 400 hours
- Talk time : up to 5 hours
- Music playback time : up to 35 hours
- Display : 2.6-inch Touchscreen , 240 x 320 resolution , 65K colours
- Memory
- Internal memory : 10MB
- Expandable memory : up to huge 32GB
Incoming search terms:
- Nokia C2 Touch and Type dual SIM mobile in delhi