Number of View: 72Welcome to Delhi Informer. Do’s & Don’ts If a nuclear war were to destroy the world, then only two creatures would be left to wander on the planet- Cockroaches and Travelers! . Every tourist who visits Delhi should take into account certain points that can prove to be extremely vital. Stay away from so called “Tourist Information Centres” which ar...
Posts Under Info Category

Number of View: 102 History So different are the colors of life, as we look forward to the future, or backward to the past. Its amazing to explore these difference for life is so different at both the ends. Present seems to be a yard stick to evaluate the past or anticipate the future. Delhi, like any other city in India has its own stories, own rulers, own achievements and own wars of destructi...

Number of View: 104 Delhi Areas Covered 110001 New Delhi HO, Sansad Marg HPO, Baroda House, Bengali Market, Bhagat Singh Market, Connaught Place, Constitution House, Election Commission, Janpath, North Avenue, Parliament House, Patiala House, Pragati Maidan, Rail Bhawan, Secretariat North, Shastri Bhawan 110002 Indraprastha HPO, Ajmeri Gate Extn., Darya Ganj, Gandhi Smarak Nidhi, I.P.Esta...

Number of View: 72 Name of College B.A. (P) Eng. (H) History (H) Hindi (H) Math. (H) Phil. (H) Pol. Sc. (H) Sanskt. (H) Socio. (H) Psy. (H) Geog. (H) Aditi Mahavidya. 54(50) - - - - - - - - - Clsd (56) A.R.S.D Clsd (63- 78.75) Clsd (70 -72) Clsd (53- 64.9) Clsd - - Clsd (59-72) - - - - Bhagini Nivedita 50 (40) - - 50 (45) - - - - - - - Bharti College Clsd (57) Clsd (63 -65) Clsd (45-48)...

Number of View: 50 Name of College B.A. (P) Eng. (H) History (H) Hindi (H) Math. (H) Phil. (H) Pol. Sc. (H) Snk (H) Socio. (H) Psy. (H) Geog. (H) Aditi Maha vidyalaya 58(56) - - - - - - - - - 60 (58) A.R.S.D 65- 81.75 (63- 78.75) Clsd Clsd (55-65) Clsd (55-70) - - Clsd (59-72) - - - - Bhagini Nivedita 57(50) - - 55 (50) - - - - - - - Bharti College 67 (57) Clsd (63-65) 55-58 (50-53) 63-...
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