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7 Shocking and Hilarious Facts About Animals

Facts About Animals

We all love a good picture of a cute animal, but how about some totally bizarre animals facts? These seven weird and wacky facts and statistics will have you second-guessing reality. Seven shocking and hilarious facts about animals.

Number Seven: Some Eastern European Deer Still Refuse to Cross the Iron Curtain.

More than two decades after the Soviet Empire’s fall, some animals still refuse to cross the border where the Iron Curtain once stood. There used to be electric fences there, which means the information about the fence was likely passed down via genetically-inherited memory.

Number Six: Cats Have Caused the Extinction of 33 Species.

It was feral cats that caused this, but still, this fact is shocking. Outdoor cats murder billions of animals every years, and there are 33 documented instances of cats clearing species off of the earth permanently. Of course, it’s our own fault that there are so many cats in the first place.

Number Five: Dogs Like to Poop Facing the North Pole.

Some people need a newspaper, but for dogs, it’s the direction they face that will determine how comfortable they are while they take a dump. And who are we to judge?

Number Four: The World’s Oldest Animal Ever Was a 507-Year-Old Clam.

Her name was Ming, and she was found in Iceland. Unfortunately, the clam died soon after she was captured.

Number Three: Giant Penguins Roamed the Earth Millions of Years Ago.

We really couldn’t make this stuff up if we tried. The penguins were called Colossus Penguins, and they were 6’7? and weighed up to 250 pounds.

Number Two: A Tortoise Was the First Animal to Orbit the Moon.

Yeah, take that, hare! Before the Russians sent a dog into space, they sent a tortoise. No, we’re not really sure why.

Number One: Ants Can Survive Literally Any Fall.

You can drop an ant from any height, and rest assured, it’ll live. It might sound like magic, but really, it’s just simple physics. An ant’s weight is so low that it can’t fall fast enough to kill it.

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