Meet Imran Yousuf, The War Veteran And Ex-Marine Who Saved More Than 60 Lives In Orlando Nightclub Shooting

Imran Yousuf, a 24-year-old bouncer at Pulse nightclub in Orlando played a heroic role when gunman Omar Mateen went on the rampage. If not for the alertness and bravery shown by Yousuf, the fatalities could have been much higher.


Yousuf, a Hindu, along with his brother Ameer had served in the U.S. Marines for six years and had fought in the war in Afghanistan. However, more action awaited him and combat zone even followed him to peaceful Orlando. He recalled how he was able to recognize the sounds of the heavy military style AR-15 assault rifle as Omar Mateen started shooting people.


People like Yousuf reinforce our trust and faith in humanity. He displayed a calm mind and was able to handle the crisis in a highly matured manner. Well, that’s what we expect from war veterans, right? Whereas a lot of people have dubbed Yusuf a hero, the saviour is not in awe of his actions. He is highly pained as he wasn’t able to save more lives. 


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