Top 5 Hardest Courses Available in India

Hardest Courses

Before taking up a course in a university, bear in mind that no course is simple. Every educational line has its share of ups and downs, some prioritised while others may seem to come as added weight.

Nonetheless, every subject has equal scope and potential. However there are some courses that require intense efforts and hard work than others, reports listabuzz.

Here we look into the top 5 hardest courses available in India.


Engineering is nonnegotiable as it requires a lot of input from the student’s side. The scope is quite lengthy as well as computation has its prominence in this field. Students must apply themselves in critical thinking, logical and mathematical skills to have a thorough understanding of the subject. It is only advisable to take up this course if one is truly interested as it demands complete dedication and hard work.


Another course one must rack their head before taking up is Nursing science which has high requirement for the subject as well as is in need of higher secondary education that includes proficiency in biology, physics and chemistry. It is also important to gain insights on building interpersonal relationships while understanding the human behaviour. On taking up the course one must dedicate a solid 3-4 hours in studying on a daily basis if they wish to excel in it.

Computer Science and Engineering:

On taking up this course one will come to terms with the software process in both theoretical and practical backgrounds. Deep analysing and studying of hardware, and software in terms of designing, in-depth studying of the engineering process as well as utilizing the skills to bring in both the components. On majoring this field one will learn the skill of designing a whole computer system from circuits to the algorithms.


The misconception that architecture is mainly about drawing and designing is utterly preposterous as a lot is needed to make the overall scope a success. This involves a high degree of analytical thinking and accuracy to get the job done right. To master this skill it would take a person over 5 years in just about any Indian university to become a professional.

Medicine and Surgery

Pursuing Medicine and surgery is not a cake walk as it holds MBBS in different stages of each semester. To succeed or to undertake a higher level in this field one must ensure that they pass each and every phase of their exams. Thereby offering intense challenges over the studying years as well as it calls for immense sacrifice of one leisure and social time.

Regardless of which, all the above course is in need of sincerer commitment and applied hard work. On doing so, one is guaranteed to reap the benefits of a successful career path.

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